Alexander Wang- behind the brand


Every brand has their own designer and those person stay behind those brands have a huge impact to the industry. There are many famous designers that became a symbol of fashion and they have a big influence to the fashion industry at these days, like: Christian Dior, Alexander McQueen, Giorgio Armani, Marc Jacob, and Valentino (Bio 2015). At the 2000s, there are many young talent designer has join the industry and becoming the future for the fashion world, one of special name is Alexander Wang, a young American fashion designer. Alexander Wang was born in San Francisco, California, when he was 19 year olds, he has moved to New York to study in a design school and after 2 years of study, he decided to launch his own brand in 2007. After that, he got many awards about fashion. ” Alexander Wang” and ” T by Alexander Wang” now has become so famous and stores located in many countries, like: USA, England, Hong Kong, Thailand, it produce accessories, shoes, clothes, bag for both men and women and Wang also became creative director of Balenciaga in 2012 (Steven 2014)

It has been 3 years since Wang became creative director at Balenciaga and his own brand ” Alexander Wang” has been launched 10 years, it is may be too young for a successful men at this age, however, he has his ambitious and vision on fashion. He thinks that, the greatest thinks about fashion is it keeps changing all the time and if people want to success in this industry people will need to face with many problems, take risks and keep learning, Wang always thinking the way to improve his brand and make it better. Alexander Wang has made a lot of marketing strategy for his brand. In fashion’s season fall 2011, Wang made a special advertising by showing an advertising video on the wall of the building in New York. This way of advertising are quite creative because other company not usually do marketing in this way and by this idea, Alexander Wang will get attention from consumer and help Alexander Wang stand out with other competitors (Melissa 2013). In 2014, there was a collaboration between H&M and Alexander Wang for winter collection in worldwide and the target market is China, it was advertised through social media, like: instagram, Wechat and Weibo (Olivier 2014). Communication is always importance for Wang, he always try to build a connection between him with customers and audiences or communication in his workplace are important (Joshua 2015). In fashion’s season’s fall/winter 2015, Alexander Wang presented a collection with all black color; he said he knew his customer want black color, so that why he made a collection with all black color. His collection are very unique, from the materials to the style, the way he made it are special. The customer would love it because he know what they want and he made it for them, make customer feels like they always right (Nicole 2015)

There are some links that will give you more ideas about Alexander Wang and fashion industry:

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